
Showing posts from 2010

Women's Ordeal in "The Binding vine"

Women’s ordeals in Binding vine All Sashi Deshpande’s works deal with the problems and issues of contemporary middle class women. Her heroines are sensitive, intelligent and career-oriented. She poignantly expresses the frustration and disappointments of women and describes their bitter experience in the male-dominated society. This novel ‘The Binding Vine ’ shows how a woman of good education and earning could react to the so-called issues against women in the male chauvinistic society, thereby inculcating the spirit of solidarity among women and ushering in an assured secure world to all women. While depicting the agony of a wife, who is the victim of marital rape, she portrays the plight of women raped outside marriage and those who would rather suffer in silence in the name of the family honour. In her essay “sister hood”, Bellhooks writes; …Sexism is perpetrated by institutional and social structures, by the individuals who dominate, exploit, or oppress, and by